theresa nanigian
  not sorry, 2014
trying to behave, 2017

Photographic prints on fine art paper, 177 x 122 cm

Photographic prints on polycotton, dimensions vary from 362 x 228 cm to 392 x 272 cm

Single channel video, 4 minutes 5 seconds

42 text plaques, 42 x 29.7 cm

trying to behave is the third chapter in Nanigian's national tour just a bit extraordinary. This body of work employs a particular pastime as the lens through which to consider older age – the bi-monthly tea dances at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. Having attended this event on numerous occasions, observing, filming, and surveying numerous patrons, the artist uncovered several dichotomies about this disparate group of individuals who share an ardent passion: Composure and vulnerability; vivaciousness and feebleness; spirit and neediness; beauty and decline.

The work consist of photographs taken at the Royal Opera House, as well as, a short video projection of dancers from the Macushla Dance Club at DanceHouse, Dublin. Responses to the Twenty Statements self-concept survey – a common link across all the exhibitions in the tour – are also included.

The just a bit extraordinary tour is comprised of three chapters in which the artist has chosen an equal number of idiosyncratic groups, loosely aligned to a particular stage in psychosocial development, to serve as her muse in exploring the expression of identity across the lifespan. just a bit extraordinary is curated by Aoife Ruane, Director of the Highlanes Gallery, Drogheda. The tour received a Touring Award from the Arts Council of Ireland and is sponsored by Drogheda Credit Union.

Photography with Peter Connor.

Installation photography by Ros Kavanagh.
© Theresa Nanigian.  FolioLink © Kodexio ™ 2024